Missle In Disguise? tinyurl.com/cw2dgb
@steph9668 Where you going to with all your crap?
Guess what doesn’t work with a cup of Jell-o? A fork!
IE rendering engine going bye bye? tinyurl.com/cvjrg9
wait osama bind laden and Chuck Norris share the same birthday? Weird1
Any thoughts on Textpattern as a CMS? Heard it described as ExpressionEngine but free.
Is it 12:30 yet?
Vista-Book Air spotted? is.gd/lAVW
@pbrprincess are you in the DC area? I didn’t know that
@eighty5original Does that mean you were laid off again?
Has come to the conclusion that all CMSes suck and are too complicated to set-up. What is the WordPress in the CMS world?
“Don Black, a 55-year-old former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard…” Really? With a last name like that you can become a grand wizard in the KKK?
@Casper_Edora Can i get $500?
Tearing into some Exosquad on Hulu. Remember that show?
@WhispersNikki NOOOOO Socks the cat really kicked the bucket? One day i’ll name my cat Socks II
Wait so if I try to click on any link on the WashingPost.com website I have to login? Talk about fail – washingtonpost.com/
Anyone know how to get HTML_toPDF is.gd/jBdI working with MAMP? How about HTML2PS? is.gd/jBdO
@jfc3 I never imagined you as a Del the Funky Homosapien kind of guy. Ever listen to Deltron3030?
@tikibartv You haven’t updated your Non-iTunes feed in a while feeds.feedburner.com/tikibartv Where’s the love?
My first tweet ->is.gd/iXQX 181 pages back. Have I really been twittering for the past 2 years?