New blog post: Life Or A Twenty Dollar Bill?
Apparently a package was delivered to my place on April 25th so where did it go? I guess it was swiped from my doorstep.
VMware Fusion or Paralells? Which do you refer and why?
@StarrGazr Um… you had one of what?
iPods made by Hewlett Packard… remeber that?
@strawpoll Happy Gilmore “you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!?”
Retweeting @drtiki: Is the Clinton era becoming fat Elvis?
You know that feeling when you cut your fingernails too short? Yea, it sucks.
@5tu Do you have some sample shots of the 50mm F/1.4? I’ve got the 50mm f/1.8
@grantrobertson @vagredajr Downloadsquad feed is down. Any help?
We need more signs like this But seriously what would the Zoo people do, take your kid’s shoes?
@jasoncalacanis claims Microsoft has withdrawn its bid for Yahoo. I guess this means proxy war?
Desktoptopia is my favorite Mac app ever. Didn’t this used to be a paid app?
Has slashdot been slashdotted? I really want to read the story @mattbowen reccomended
@strawpoll Iron Man Who is this Hancock you speak of? John Hancock?
Cool Nike ad filmed from 1st perspective –…
Wae up time already? Today will be a great day of cleaning up Zope templates.
Waiting for 3 podcasts to download so I can sync my Zune for tomorrow’s commute. What would I do without my podcasts for my commute?
@bobthecow I hear there is a lot of demand for this britekite thing so can you send one my way? <twitter name>
@charliepark Do you have a code snippet to look at?