3 minutes until meeting… what to do? What to do?
Yay dancing is over. Now need to help clean? D’oh!
Girlfriend stuck in traffic, I wonder why? urltea.com/2qm
@jgarber Are you talking about camera batteries? Go generic -> tinyurl.com/2e4w4e
New blog post: How Much HTML And CSS Do You Know? tinyurl.com/2b2gpd
@chrisvanpatten What’s your movie premise?
About halfway through ripping my CD collection from my youth. All 90’s Alternative stuff. Anyone remember Garbage “version 2.0”?
How come little kids find spinning around in circles so much fun?
Arh! Why do people feel the need to have umbrellas that are half the size of Rhode Island? Oh yea, we’re in America. Bigger, better, faster!
OMG! What will they think of next? makemylogobiggercream.com/
@dextr0us What’s wrong with Super Mario Brothers?
Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a wifi webcam I could stick to my cat??
Hello fellow twitterers! What is up?
Whose bright idea was it to have a classic car show in the post office parking lot? More cars then spaces.
Lunch time already? Hooray for Friday.
New blog post: YOUZ CAN HAS JOB? tinyurl.com/ys85o7
New blog post: Russell The Cook? tinyurl.com/2e88av
Seriously HolaNeighbor.com? Your birthday selector starts at 1897?
I was drenched in sweat when I came in to work today. Send this weather down to Floridia and bring in some cool Canadian air, will ya?
Chipoltle two days in a row? It is that kind of week.