@chipcullen Cooler than the king of kool?
@mr_suh Is a tiddly a thing? I bet they go good with twinks
Want more accessible charts and graphs?
@Highcharts is worth a look, not perfect, but makes a good fist of it
y’all remember when user interface design was GOOD ??
@starsoup7 Do you have any rest and vest opportunities?
@AdeyLady123 4/5 ain’t bad right?
📅 Ever wanted to know *way too much* about code, timezones, dates, and times? It’s about time for me to write a lot of words about it. Warning: there are a lot of time puns.
UTC is Enough for Everyone, Right? zachholman.com/talk/utc-is-enoug…
@kev097 Wait… Wait… Have you seen my new privacy policy changes? I really care about your data and privacy on the same day as everyone else
@randallb Are you saying once freed your brain tumor was able to run and win a presidential election?
@JTI519 “Alexa, what are the digits of pi?”
@smarty Any more open rest and vest positions open?
@metalpaysme Transaction 💰
Is it legit? 🔍
Let’s check! 💻⚒️ – 💻⚒️ – 💻⚒️
Found the answer. It checks out! 💻✔️
Add into the history of transactions 📖
@brianboyer tetmetmtee ?
@TaraClaeys @HallwayChats I do? Ohhhhhh different Russell
@Rmmmsy You mean tiny houses?
@livlab What’s something cool that happened today?
@stilley_jo Happy Mother’s Day to you too! How did you celebrate?
@zippy1981 Can’t I just take a daily vibranium pill and be done with it?
@jaboaty @billy_penn There should be an instagram embed on that page. Do you have trouble seeing it?
@daljo628 Can one of you companies finally give us all the real life Jetpacks we really want?