@ckrewson Do you think any of them requested some JELL-O?
@metafizzyco Hey do you have too many stickers taking up space right now?
Wow the new Twitter sure is @round now… eh Max?
@carlislesargent hey you know what would be awesome?
@courtneydawn @wordcampdc What’s cooler, the A/C or the peeps?
@metafizzyco @desandro Are you gonna monitor for JS/CSS files in the new pages you fetch and inject them back in to the DOM? Like so? github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@elgreg Remember when it was DC jQuery?
Well which is it?
@e_wils Is that too sexy?
There’s a problem I’ve never run into… multi-room audio!
“Oh no! My space is too big to hear the music. What do I do?”
Why would you not type “urgent” every single time?
@freshyill Can I just be a fat slob with an Apple Watch?
Is it really sweater weather in San Jose in June?
@JoAnnStilley Live? It was a movie en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_Danc…
So does this brand spankin’ new Essential phone support the Google Play store?
@chriscoyier @iChris How much prep work do you do per show?
Spent my 20 minute commute singing Happy Birthday to a Slinky to appease the 2 year old. How is your morning going?
@mr_suh Even not fucking?
An Angus steak kids meal. Sure, why not? #ZadieAlyssa #fancy instagram.com/p/BUXRrVFl2CO/