Anybody have a favorite Chrome extension for viewing HTTP headers? I know you can use the inspector, but it’s so many clicks…
*turns to seatmate next to me*
“so how’s the wifi for you?”
@danielbachhuber where you at?
@mstoli @ryancduff @danielbachhuber @getpantheon @photomatt @danielbachhuber You ship all your booth people in tiny cubes?!?!
@rochellefp where to next?
I feel like every other day I convince myself to use a different method for naming things in CSS. What are you doing these days? Why?
Packing for #wcus. What nerdy t-shirts to wear? Decisions… decisions…
@davatron5000 More like Dinkier amirit?
@mr_suh What if it were like Groundhog day? I bet it would get pretty dull after a couple of times.
@mr_suh Do you think reality is a simulation?
@mr_suh How’s it going?
@zgordon Remember when the best part about programming in JavaScript was the fact that you didn’t need to compile anything?
Hey sweet online deals and savings,
wanna cyber?
@snorels Was she a cyber Monday deal?
@mr_suh oh. So not Hawaii?
What am I doing on a Saturday morning? Hanging out at @wordcampbalt #wcbalt
@MattMurph24 Source that they want a Muslim registry?
@jessschillinger When is your babbbbby coming?
@trepmal Taye Diggs?
@danielbachhuber Our you gearing up to do some big infrastructure work?