@astickofgum @ammy914 Does Kaleb ever get cold at night in the winter? Does he cover himself up ok? Zadie just seems to curl up.
@AstickofGum @ammy914 is Kaleb more of a sleep in the buff kind of guy? Or sleep in the outfit he’s gonna wear tomorrow?
So do you know who you are going to vote to represent you in the House of Representatives on November 8th? #debate
@aaronjorbin Why would he do that? He says they don’t talk.
@kathkat15 Don’t you herd cats at work?
@danielbachhuber a/s/l?
@JoannaBrenner what does that even mean?
@s_plum “Siri, why do you exist?”
@eastendbrewing iPhone? You can try deleting your cookies osxdaily.com/2012/06/10/delete-s…
@daljo628 How often do you use Google Cardboard now?
@jenmrapp I think this points to the maturation of the smartphone market. How else can a manufacturer differentiate?
The Google Pixel is the same price on Verizon’s page. Can you just buy the phone from Verizon without a line? (probably not)
@bbaiiey Can you send me a daydream?
@trepmal No one likes Crispix? I guess it’s uniquely cereal unlike Kix.
@joannabrenner what day is it today?
Types of Tweets (2/2)
Retweet – A tweet you reshare with your followers
Quote Tweet – Retweet with commentary
Am I missing any other kinds?
@kingkool68 Are you an astronaut? Because you are out-of-this-world. #TheNiceBot
@Memset_Ltd What happened to is.gd and v.gd?
@kev097 What is your favorite?
@jdroth Are these real sites? Or are you getting a feel for branding something?