Vera had some trouble focusing at dinner. We went for a walk and she asked me to take her picture at each of the statues.
How about them <insert sports team>
Is there a regular expression to detect a valid regular expression?
I think ice cubes are now my favorite dessert.
Using sass variables for colors is great until you get sick of naming different values of gray
Clients eat this stuff up. Until they need to put their real content in there.…
** Me picking up my kids after I got a haircut **
2 year old: Where did your hair go?
4 year old: It’s in the future.
I don’t usually download large files but when I do I’m grateful for my gigabit Internet connection.
Pretty Internet speed test site
This is awesome. Here are some examples……
Another weekend another carousel.
What’s it like to binge watch something? Asking for a friend with small children and no energy or attention span.
max-width: none;
min-width: 0;
On their own these are logical and make sense but I always trip up and try and do min-width: none;
I buy generic cereal brands and tell my kids they’re the name brands because they can’t read yet.
We all ended up on the couch at the same time so a family selfie was in order.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #selfiesunday
Using Blackblaze and Cloudflare to make a free personal image sharing service
One might say the Colts are down on their Luck…
I feel bad if the statement “Please listen carefully as our options may have changed” applies to you when you call an automated phone number