Oh boo. Looks like webpagetest.org is down. I hope it comes back soon.
It’s almost July 4th and I’m still getting Mother’s Day ads targeted to me on Twitter.
Dumb and Dumber twitter.com/Benhartman/status/11…
Naming things is hard…
48 – 3 = 45
27 + 3 = 30
30 + 45 = 75 twitter.com/Wparks91/status/1143…
Check Twitter a lot… twitter.com/WesleydeSouza/status…
Truncation is not a content strat…
Like a clock twitter.com/kathryngrayson/statu…
█ obviously
ASCII counts as the alphabet right? twitter.com/dorsalstream/status/…
Wow this can probably replace my desktop twitter.com/Techmeme/status/1143…
Or you’re senior enough to know how to use your current resources creativly to get out of a jam twitter.com/rorypreddy/status/11…
closes Twitter dot com
Today in micro fashion 🕶️ #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BzEa-1nhjD2/
I see baths in your near future 🔮
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #ritasitalianice #psychicreading instagram.com/p/BzETcPNh2cl/
Maybe you need… Time machine twitter.com/tvaziri/status/11422…
A dream is just an idea without a website yet.
These job titles are anti-UX twitter.com/AnnieCheng_/status/1…
What happens behind the scenes when we type google.com in a browser?
A very detailed behind the scenes of how the web works