Google Calendar is down, work is now cancelled.
Spending Father’s Day at the park.
It’s taken me a while but I finally bought some smart plugs to turn on/off some lights and these work really well with Google Assistant so I can use a simple phrase like “Ok Google turn off living room light” and it just works!
Doughnuts with Dad day at preschool.
I’m going to a JavaScript meetup tonight.…
The 1st mention of “yabba dabba doo” on Twitter…
I’ve been thinking about the design of comments on a website. What are some well designed comments you’ve seen?
A proposal to bring an XML sitemaps feature into WordPress Core for SEO 👍
Disabled JavaScript and then I could read the page again……
I love when the complete article flashes before your eyes before the page gets borked. Yay JavaScript!
Someone should do some performance testing of the sites on WordPress VIP that are showing default WordPress themes and compare that to when their normal themes come back
* due to :last-child()
In the amount of time it takes you to read through the documentation you can learn how to do this with standard, no-frills, HTML and CSS that works since 2009*
I’ve been working on my personal site for a little bit and came up with this header that uses viewport width (vw) units
– Scales uniformly as the viewport shrinks
– vw units aren’t affected when you scale the text up or down. They stay the same size 🙁
4K video is nice
8K video is coming
But what about 16K?
Worked for me in 2006……
The power of good copy.…
Declaring “‘ethical discourse is privileged’ is privileged” is privileged.…