Old Lenovo next to new Lenovo
Props to whitecoatcaptioning.com/ for doing live captioning during all of the talks. And with that I’m done live tweeting for the weekend.
Job Levels Metaphor (part 2)
Level 4 (Advanced) – Understands rope making
Level 5 (Expert) – Knows more about rope than anyone else in the company
Level 6 (Principal) – Knows more about rope than anyone else period
Lunch time at #WCLANC right now. If you need a friend come find me in the weird pickle t-shirt. Can’t miss it.
“There is a WordPress filter to import a custom icon for a Block. Save SVG file as a JavaScript file and then it imports it as a JavaScript variable.”
What if you want to add an icon to a Gutneberg block?
You can add a custom SVG for a more branded custom experience.
You can use ACF repeater fields within a Gutenberg block.
An awesome part of WordCamps is during talk Q/As where often times the speaker learns something as well.
ACF Blocks has the option to switch between editor mode and preview mode.
pcadv.org/ uses Gutenberg to offer a plethora of design options and variations for the client while also locking down the code
acf_register_block() function: advancedcustomfields.com/resourc…
Slides and resources mentioned in her talk can be found at asheberly.com/wordcamp-2019/
There’s nothing against React, sometimes we just need to get stuff done.
Next up is “Developing Blocks without React” by Ashley Eberly
How learn something new (like Gutenberg). Use the Feynman Technique.
Identify a concept, explain the concept, study the gaps, simplify the explanation of the concept.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until understand has sunk in
JavaScript in WordPress used to be a nice to have for frontend technology to a new core competency used for building the bulk of this new UI.
Gutneberg enables non-developers to build your own custom posts and pages. Similar to Beaver Builder, Elementor, and other page builders.
New concept: Block Templates
Setup a page with the blocks already populated so the client knows what they can do.
New concept: Blocks
With blocks, you can insert, rearrange, and style multimedia content with very little technical knowledge. Instead of using custom code, you can add a block and focus on your content.
The Gutenberg project’s original goal:
The editor will endeavor to create a new page and post building experience that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed discovery.