Here at Heimlich Industries Inc. we employ the brightest minds working around the clock for your information technology needs.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bu7YIROjNOo/

Here at Heimlich Industries Inc. we employ the brightest minds working around the clock for your information technology needs.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bu7YIROjNOo/
This pretty much sums up my day twitter.com/markhuot/status/1105…
And before YouTube the only way to distribute videos online for free was via P2P networks like Morpheus mdskate.russellheimlich.com/cgi-…
In honor of the web turning 30 years old, here is my first real website I made that is still online: mdskate.russellheimlich.com/
Yea yea AMP is terrible. But this dad joke is 👌
“what do you call a dog that can do magic tricks? a labracadabrador” twitter.com/chriscoyier/status/1…
What’s this weird glowing orb in the sky during dinner time?
In 2011 I formed an LLC for a company called VidCapper that I promptly stopped developing. It was basically a refined interface on top of YouTube’s captioning system.
In 2006 I was an AOL blogger and got paid $5 per post. I think it was eventually boosted to $10 per post.
During my 6 month stint I made $2,410 according to my old records that I’m purging today.
This is my new favorite sport. twitter.com/Foone/status/1103384…
When an email is marked low priority I always end up reading it first
HODOR would have had a much better time if only he got to listen to this swanky smooth jazz that I get to listen to while I “hold the line”
Waiting on hold and the robo voice keeps saying “hold the line” and now I’m channeling my inner HODOR
When you see gorgeous sites like this all I think is “man I’m never gonna be able to redesign my personal site” twitter.com/wilto/status/1102615…
The day after International Day of Awesomeness dayofawesomeness.com
It is so awesome to be able to just hook up one cable and have my external keyboard/mouse/display/ethernet connection ready to go. My old setup required hooking/unhooking 3 different cables. Bought an additional charger as well so one is always in my backpack ready to go.
“Never attribute to stupidity or malice that which can be adequately explained by living with toddlers.”
Cosigned. twitter.com/SaraSoueidan/status/…
USB-C is such a mess of a standard.
Next up is Spectacle App for managing windows. Option + Command + F will resize your window to be full screen without entering full screen mode. Full screen mode is terrible. Option + Command + arrow keys to do half screen 🙌🏻
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.