The best hide-and-go-seek spot is in Daddy’s closet.
#VeraAddison #hideandseek instagram.com/p/BpM43RTlyOG/

The best hide-and-go-seek spot is in Daddy’s closet.
#VeraAddison #hideandseek instagram.com/p/BpM43RTlyOG/
“Look what I made. Take a picture and out it on my website.” Untitled
Medium: Cocoa Puffs and Belgian Waffle
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BpHUClIn4FC/
Anyone here have a tankless water heater? Do you like it? Pros and cons?
What ever happened to Ember.js and Angular? No one talks about them anymore.
Watch out! They’ve got to clean up the worst crime district in the world. But that’s no problem. They’re the worst police force in the universe.
To protect, to serve… and make you laugh. America’s funniest crimebusters are back!
This never gets old…
Typity type type.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bo-2Mg1H3ZG/
Nice use of dummyimage.com right there… twitter.com/odannyboy/status/104…
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bo4z_7FnnBk/
Off to the playground!
#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/Bo4yuaLnfFb/
I give today a 10/10
On top of Carter Mountain Orchard instagram.com/p/Bok0Cx2nS-V/
But if you’re using an Amazon Aurora managed database its dead simple to spin up read replicas so your site doesn’t fall over because you have too many bloated SQL queries overwhelming your poor database. So that’s cool.
Cooool so long story short not only does your database need the proper character encoding but the thing talking to your database needs to ask for data using the same character set. I guess that is better than just outright failing…
Our site talking to the database: “Gimmie some of that sweet, sweet UTF8 characters…”
Database: “Ok here ya go, I left out those 4-byte characters for ya since you didn’t ask for them”
Website: **Emojis are displayed as ???**
The Rest of the Internet: “This site sucks”
Our database is set to UTF8mb4 which can handle storing 4-byte characters (aka emojis basically). But clients accessing the database can specify what character set they understand.
Today I learned databases and character encodings are hard.
Someone is locked out of Slack so someone else is relaying communications from them via a Google Doc.
Web design is coming full circle. #javascriptmousetrails twitter.com/ricardomendieta/stat…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.