My habits from 2005/2006 are fighting each other 😢 twitter.com/techcrunch/status/95…
My habits from 2005/2006 are fighting each other 😢 twitter.com/techcrunch/status/95…
Zadie’s already starting to push around her little sister.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison instagram.com/p/BeCfKiVlhaQ/
Vera’s getting the hang of this walking upright thing.
#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/BeCe1mvlZsr/
Vera’s getting the hang of this walking upright thing.
#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/BeCe1mvlZsr/
So the moral of the story is designing for the web is hard.
And then I stumble across codepen.io/julesforrest/full/QaB… and I’m just… WOW that is a good use of a grid layout.
Their homepage is so hard to scan and make sense of on desktop. Like a big wall of text. Setting the viewport to 765px or below is much nicer and more approachable.
With the fresh Slate redesign I’m reminded about how the web is such an awkward medium for a grid layout.
Remember Slate’s last redesign? twitter.com/katieamurray/status/…
This is why I totally automate paying bills, savings, and pretty much anything financial. Less things to think about.
“People who are good at self-control … seem to be structuring their lives in a way to avoid having to make a self-control decision in the first place,”
Parenting pro tip #823:
If your picky toddler refuses to eat something, try it with ketchup! Carrots, broccoli, bananas; doesn’t seem to matter to my 3 year old.
Vera with her palm tree hairdo.
#VeraAddison #palmtreehair #babby instagram.com/p/Bd789eVlBcO/
3 year old: “Daddy you’re a giraffe and mommy you’re a penguin”
Me: “Oh really? What animal are you?”
3 year old: “Um… I don’t umm.. animals… … I’m a screw driver!”
“We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!
We’re going to live on!
We’re going to survive!”
Today, we celebrate POTTY TRAINING DAY! 🚽💦😟
Got a promo code in an email.
If anyone wants $10 off any Google product found here… well have at it.
Remember Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons for precisely tracking your location indoors? What ever happened to those? estimote.com/
“Hey Google, what are the digits of pi?”
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.