When you arrive at the party early…
When you arrive at the party early…
There is also this terrible monstrosity of a verb: emojicate.com/
Seems like this 280 character Twitter kerfuffle is the perfect time for emoj.li/ to make a comeback!
Also on this day the main that would do anything for love but wouldn’t do that is born in 1947.
Happy birthday Meatloaf. twitter.com/jonerlichman/status/…
Upgraded to High Sierra today. Everything seems to work as normal.
A great series of articles on #a11y for web devs
HTML medium.com/alistapart/writing-ht…
Speaking of screenshots, did you know you can take full page screenshots right from within Chrome’s dev tools? umaar.com/dev-tips/151-screensho…
Google Chrome’s Puppeteer project is loads of fun for taking full page screenshots.
I finally remembered the old address of my Geocities page: geocities.com/Pipeline/Curb/1031… but alas it isn’t archived anywhere…
Google buys HTC smartphone team for $1.1 billion.
Lots of weird options here but sure why not. twitter.com/PickaDummy/status/91…
Now’s the time to buy your ticket if you haven’t already. twitter.com/wordcampbalt/status/…
Playing around with local.getflywheel.com/ for local WordPress development and I’m blown away with how easy and beautiful it is.
Let Google auto tag your content
Flipping out at the table park. #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/BZIMvQ2lAAd/
This is fundamental reading about how a browser renders the page and the pitfalls in regards to performance. twitter.com/mozhacks/status/9083…
In other news Zadie is attending a birthday party at a trampoline park and you betcha I’m gonna be in there jumping as well.
Oh the juggalos are marching today. Almost forgot.
My favorite part of WordPress is how it is possible to modify it to do what you want for a project. I wish WordPress JS had the same spirit.
No documentation short of just copying the view and modifying as such. No hooks or filters. Totally inflexible.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.