Beautiful day in Denver.
#wcpub instagram.com/p/BX54VAnl_Ch/

11:15am in the unconference track I’ll be talking about running WordPress on Amazon Web Services. See you there #wcpub

The hardware is the least interesting aspect of this. It will hang on a wall or TV stand so not a big deal. How does the software work? twitter.com/venyageskin1/status/…

I like this brutalist website pepperteam.ru/

Denver Airport Train Station. instagram.com/p/BX0qa6oFpIt/

Hi! I’m in Denver.

Mine is winning! twitter.com/ocllin/status/896432…

Top of the big blue mountain with her buds.
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/BXwfmuRlciX/

Two-daughter teeter-totter.
#VeraAddison #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/BXwfBgwl0jL/

This is how #ZadieAlyssa slides… instagram.com/p/BXwejthFAM9/

Ooo looky who is on this list… twitter.com/wordcampbalt/status/…

Dinosaur extinction according to the flat earth society

Oh I guess you’re right. #4 is indeed my downfall in life.

Bitch please!

Russell = Ellrssu twitter.com/DeaExLena/status/894…

Happy National Toddlers Waking Up At the Crack of Dawn Day!

Ms Vera just bopping along in her own little pool.
#VeraAddison #daddydaughter instagram.com/p/BXcGR5UFvAZ/

And now you can query a large set of music listens… twitter.com/ListenBrainz/status/…

See listenbrainz.org/user/kingkool68 vs. last.fm/user/kingkool68/library
(It’s easy to import your Last.fm data)