Spoiler Alert: Dragon Stone used to be an old P.F. Chang’s before winter was coming. #got
Spoiler Alert: Dragon Stone used to be an old P.F. Chang’s before winter was coming. #got
Bucket list item complete: Get to Costco before it opens.
Catch me in the boom boom doom room slaying cacodemons and IDDQDing all night long
Gym instructor: What are your favorite kind of squats?
Me: The diddly kind
Introducing Zadie to Legos
#zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/BW20ccbFaOS/
A WordCamp that is literally camping camp.press/
I’m not a princess I’m a khaleesi.
#veraaddison #got instagram.com/p/BWoNlualm2J/
Inserted card into chip reader
Doesn’t work
Told to try 3 times to enable mag swipe
Try mag swipe
Fraud alert triggered, card denied
Beach life.
#streetphotography #beachballs #alley instagram.com/p/BWkcQsplcs-/
Hey #wcdc the happiness bar has some USB ports for charging devices if you need it. You’re welcome!
First time I’ve been at the metro before it is open
Hey #wcdc I’m in the happiness bar here to answer any WordPress questions. Stop by!
Started playing video on Facebook, enabled the sound, scrolled away, video popped out and stuck to the side of the stream.
Current status: listening to Kid Rock
Of course… twitter.com/KidRock/status/88524…
A crabby bunch.
#VeraAddison #WaverlyGraceFahey instagram.com/p/BWNy7YEFR9F/
Trucking Seagull.
#roadtrip instagram.com/p/BWMMzqKFz5r/
Fun with signs.
#WaverlyGraceFahey #ZadieAlyssa #NotVera instagram.com/p/BWML_5mlwmy/
We would always point out this helicopter whenever we drove past it and Zadie became instagram.com/p/BWMKcG_lpsp/
Playing with our buckets down at the beach. #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/BWH3iMPl0jT/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.