It’s like grown up American Idol.…
Zadie reacts to the news about Super Bowl LI… #ZadieAlyssa #badnews #superbowl
This Patriots win makes me feel… Wait for it… DEFLATED!
I’m staying up past my bedtime to watch grown men kiss a statue
So how about that halftime show?
Sets up eBay search alert for “Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl Champs” gear…
It would have only been fair to have Barbara Bush do the coin flip
Finally a foot-ball football play…
When it’s late and you want to go home but bae still wants to party…
What’s your favorite Far Side cartoon?
Superorganism – something for your M.I.N.D. is worth a listen
Case in point…
All the faces inside the White House are already white……
“Think of the ratings among children”
“Think of the ratings” is the new “think of the children”.
Switch to HTTP/2 and keep minifying/concatenating, you’ll be fine.…
Remember that Groundhogs day when the president and and a movie star had a public cat fight?
What If the Senate Refused to Confirm Supreme Court Justices…Forever?…
(tl;dr Congress can do whatever they want)
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools does…
*surprise surprise*
National Education Association? Nope
American Federation of Teachers? No.…