The American Federation for Children supports Betsy Devos federationforchildren.org/senate…
which she was the Chairwoman of federationforchildren.org/bill-o…
The American Federation for Children supports Betsy Devos federationforchildren.org/senate…
which she was the Chairwoman of federationforchildren.org/bill-o…
So is there any organization that supports Betsy DeVos?
“we are developing plans to hire 10,000 [refugees] over five years in the 75 countries around the world where Starbucks does business.” twitter.com/va_gop/status/826504…
Make Politics Boring Again™
Good luck with that. twitter.com/round/status/8262853…
Wait… I’m confused. How does this work?
HTTPS announcements are to 2017 as “Our website is now responsive!” announcements were to 2015.
Just like TV manufacturers no longer highlight their TVs are now in color. Because of course they are!
You hear that everyone, you can stop posting fluff blog posts about how your website is now HTTPS… twitter.com/letsencrypt/status/8…
Imagining Mike Pence with Mr. Clean’s eye brows
Watched two speeches from the March for Life today and content aside they were such dull and dry deliveries.
I’m not a fan of Reddit’s mobile app. It feels clunky. It’s supposed to be for reading text. How do you screw that up? twitter.com/alexisohanian/status…
It’s an eat an entire roll of Ritz crackers for lunch kind of day.
“But web developers wouldn’t be web developers if we didn’t find a way to marvellously complicate an otherwise straightforward situation.”
Lol this good. twitter.com/tedcruz/status/82404…
Happy feet. #ZadieAlyssa #happy #loop instagram.com/p/BPp9Ac6jE_D/
Apparently this was a thing… legiscan.com/MD/bill/HB82/2015
I agree with #MDSenRogerPManno’s vote on #MDHouseBill82 End prohibition on multiple pinball machines in Montgomery County
Or you could just use overflow: auto/hidden; on the container ¯_(ツ)_/¯ twitter.com/rachelandrew/status/…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.