May the 4th is the new April Fools day.

So this must be what it feels like to live in the North West… #wheresTheSun

WordCamp Asheville (North Carolina) is June 3-5. Look at all these great talks! 2016.asheville.wordcamp.org/sche… Tickets are on sale NOW!

I joined Facebook 11 years ago today.

I wish I had someone to jog with 🙁 twitter.com/breakingpol/status/7…

Soundtrack for the day musicforprogramming.net/

Let it be known that I scanned a QR code tonight and it was intuitive and helpful.

Nice buzz-kill Game of Thrones.

Here’s to being 31. instagram.com/p/BEmnlDHDe7k/

The classiest T-shirts from Donald Trump’s Harrisburg rally billypenn.com/2016/04/21/the-cla…

When a designer asks for custom styled form elements just send them this

Relevant from 1991 youtube.com/watch?v=rVn3H93Ysag twitter.com/danphilibin/status/7…

Bot <= app <= application <= program

“Programmers at work maintaining a Ruby on Rails application” – classicprogrammerpaintings.tumbl…

Its not a trip to Philly without seeing a Phillie Phanatic. This one is Alice and Wonderland instagram.com/p/BEAFdl3DexI/

Zadie vs. a Hammerhead #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/BD9i4i-jezg/

The days are long, but the years are short.

It’s only a matter of time when someone releases a JavaScript library called ActionScript and legitimately had no idea that was a thing.