explainshell.com/ – Explains complicated Shell commands
shellcheck.net/ – Lints and offers improvements for bash scripts
explainshell.com/ – Explains complicated Shell commands
shellcheck.net/ – Lints and offers improvements for bash scripts
This is the stuff debugging nightmares are made of . twitter.com/possumskull/status/7…
Slides from my talk about WordPress Search are online v.gd/wpsearch #wclanc
I only seem to attend WordCamps that give out cold weather swag. #wplanc @ Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 instagram.com/p/BCksmuvje7U/
I guess I should finish watching House of Cards season 3, huh?
Another sign Idiocracy is becoming a reality…
OOf! This is the year I have to renew my personal domains for 10 more years.
Dinosaur garden. instagram.com/p/BCePlPije6K/
9 years hands-on social media experience.
Church’s fireworks display not liable in death of 4 cows thedailyrecord.com/2016/03/01/md…
tl;dr Use mixins because gzip will remove any duplication penalty. twitter.com/csswizardry/status/7…
tl;dr Don’t style h1-h6, just use classes. twitter.com/csswizardry/status/7…
Pushbullet no longer offers a Mac app? I guess that’s why I haven’t been getting notifications. Weird.
These Charmin bears and their awkward potty talk.
I am Batman! threadless.com/product/7575/tab,…
Spent the afternoon going for a swim. Zadie absolutely loves the water. #zadiealyssa @ Goldfish… instagram.com/p/BCW5aPqje1K/
Ledo’s for dinner! @ Ledo Pizza instagram.com/p/BCT0Wa3De9N/
dummyimage.com is moving servers. The new IP address is if you want to add it to your hosts file now. Or just wait.
Netflix and S1E1 of Fuller House and OMG STEPHANIE’S BOOBS!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.