“Nobody actually turns off JavaScript” twitter.com/yochum/status/666955…
“Nobody actually turns off JavaScript” twitter.com/yochum/status/666955…
If you want to listen to a podcast about TLS for encrypting your site episode 195 of Security Now is good grc.com/sn/sn-195.htm #wpdc
“I’m not a lazy developer, I’m just efficient.” #wpdc
We’re screwed. RIP “words”. blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2015/11/…
4 years ago we were touring around Paris. #positivevibes #paris #eiffeltower @ Effiel tower instagram.com/p/-DIAw9Dezf/
“Your two best friends in the world are the ‘shift’ key and the key on the other side that also says ‘shift'” twitter.com/ClickHole/status/665…
Has anyone used RocketChat before? rocket.chat/
Self-hosted Alternatives to Popular Cloud Services liminality.xyz/self-hosting/
Thanks Vets.
I helped them scrape over a million Android apps to analyze their permissions. Fun times. twitter.com/pewinternet/status/6…
It’s fall and that means raking leaves (and sometimes playing in them). Don’t you like her cabbage… instagram.com/p/93YQmEjewG/
Zack Kanter paints a rosy picture for autonomous vehicles totally upending life as we know it today zackkanter.com/2015/01/23/how-ub…
Senior dev have lighter hair #FEDtalk
You can never have too many monitors #FEDtalk
tl;dr Front-end developers have a lot to think/worry about and it’s not clear what is considered a front-end dev’s responsibility. #FEDtalk
Lifehack: Use the native Mac Twitter client (which hasn’t been updated in ages) which has ⭐️ instead of ❤️
Cool cucumber. threadless.com/designs/coolcumbe…
What malls were like in 1989 mashable.com/2014/12/02/80s-shop…
Watched Inside Out last night and OMG THE FEELS!
Microwave clock✅
Oven clock ✅
See you in 6 months daylight savings time!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.