I have no idea what Twitter is talking about with the super bowl. But here’s a photo of a cool number that showed up on my odometer yesterday.
Or how terrible Twitter’s scheduled tweet date picker is?
(Why does it default to 5 days from the future?!?!)
And how terrible the Twitter schedule tweet date picker is…
(why does it default to 5 days in the future?)
Do you ever just sit and think about how awesome the Google Calendar date picker is and how much thought went into making it work the way it does?
Me after thinking about this for 30 minutes:
wHaT eVeN iS tImE?
Me after thinking about this for 15 minutes:
But wait what timezone are we talking about? What if the user is in a different timezone than the site?
Requirement: Users should be able to specify a time
Me after thinking about this for 5 minutes:
Ok easy enough, I’ll just add a date picker component…
Our mystical dinner toddler.
📸 instagram.com/p/CZ00iSDsu60/ via tweet.photo
First day of New York Times Wordle…
Not bad.
Wordle 237 3/6*
“That’s dumb. Why is it built that way?”
Apparently they haven’t heard about PHP.js php-js.com/ twitter.com/github/status/149113…
Me serving dinner: So what do you think?
Wife: It looks like a TV dinner.
Me: Wow! A meal worthy of being on TV? I’m honored.
Wife: The only TV show this meal will be on is Worst Cooks in America.
The appropriate sized table for eating with a toddler and not having to worry about food getting splattered on you. twitter.com/KremlinRussia_E/stat…
Me talking about my own stuff: You see design is all about the details. Notice all these subtle niceties I’ve included that really elevate the entire experience…
Me when other people are talking about their stuff: Yea but who cares? No one will notice that.
What would happen if you had a large number of requests hitting a file and did a `git reset –hard origin/<branch_name>`? Would there be an error?
Curious on your thoughts.
Interesting Words:
– Vutty
– Viffs
– Yesks
– Zexes
I’m pro programmer pros
BRING BACK THE 2008 VERSION YOU COWARDS!!! twitter.com/elvin_not_11/status/…
#10 “Everybody has small screens, and they all know how to scroll: only make UI widgets ‘sticky’ or ‘fixed’ if you have to. They know where your navigation bar is. You don’t have to push it in their face the whole time.”
“Don’t blog for the glory, blog for the cemented brain nuggets.”