Real life instagram that has now been Instagrammed. #zadiealyssa #weddingshower #polaroid #meta instagram.com/p/0yr0P1De0b/
Real life instagram that has now been Instagrammed. #zadiealyssa #weddingshower #polaroid #meta instagram.com/p/0yr0P1De0b/
I wrote a unit test once. I was testing my patience. The test failed.
Hello World #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/0tLJ4jje2y/
Man, Zadie sure has a lot of guy friends zadieheimlich.com/tag/guy-friend…
What better way to celebrate 14 years with my high school sweet heart than by seeing a high school… instagram.com/p/0geTOsjeyY/
“the most universally recognized icon for search isn’t a magnifying glass, it’s a wide rectangular box.” – viget.com/inspire/refreshing-sea…
Once 3 people tweet the same thing, it’s pedestrian trash to me. Why must I be like this
I never want to hear the song “Been Caught Stealing” by Jane’s Addiction ever again as long as I live.
Ventured down to Norton, Virginia, so Zadie could meet her great aunt and cousins and scope out the… instagram.com/p/0RB_mcDezK/
What do Aretha Franklin and Zadie have in common? zadieheimlich.com/queens-of-soul…
Welcoem to Southern Virginia, where there are more gun cabinets in this house than people.
Zadie napping in the arms of her great-grandmother. #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/0Nq8DBje5C/
Family Feud + Google = googlefeud.com (and hours of your life lost to the sands of time)
My birthday is April 24th. Just saying.
What kind of fancy pants hotels do you guys stay at? Mine never plays music.
BowWowMeow.com expires on 2015-03-11 guys!
I wish I could engage with brands from my wrist
Yay Apple is promoting blogs again! Blog everyone, BLOG!
AHHH what is this?!?! MAKE IT STOP!
Hasn’t health been a part of every living human beings life?
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.