My little T-rex is 9 weeks old today. #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/ztFu0gDexW/
My little T-rex is 9 weeks old today. #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/ztFu0gDexW/
Node.js + php.js = wtf.js
#wclanc who wants a git tutorial?
A WordPress .gitignore template for more granular version control (ignore this theme, version that theme) 48web.com/wordpress-gitignore/ #wclanc
Can i use CSS3 Animations? caniuse.com/#search=css3%20anima… #wclanc
Can I use CSS Transitions? caniuse.com/#search=transitions #wclanc
How to deal with vendor prefixes css-tricks.com/how-to-deal-with-… #wclanc
Can I Use CSS Transforms? caniuse.com/#search=transform #wclanc
CSS Transforms from the MDN developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs… #wclanc
With web hosts, if you don’t know whether you need a control panel… YOU NEED A CONTROL PANEL. #wclanc
“There is no best web hosting. There is only the best web hosting for you” #wclanc
Master Macaw in Two Hours. Free eBook schonne.com/macaw/ #wclanc
brackets.io/ is a free, open source code editor from Adobe #wclanc
Visual design tools that spit out “nice” code: macaw.co creative.adobe.com/products/refl… webflow.com/ #wclanc
fontastic.me/ great resource for building your own font icon/SVG sprite. icomoon.io/ is another one #wclanc
Fillerama Lorem Ipsom generator chrisvalleskey.com/fillerama/ #wclanc
If you’re designing in the browser use dummyimage.com to mock up images on demand. #wclanc
People as far as the eye can see at WordCamp Lancaster
#wclanc #wp #wordpress #wordcamp instagram.com/p/zpc6pwDe9K/
We put her diaper on over her pants… JK! They’re baby leg warmers that are still too big. #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/zoTbv3je88/
Blue/black vs. White/gold could be the deciding issue in 2016 presidential elections… SIKE! The internet has the memory of a goldfish
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.