Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
Only person on this Metro train AMA
Came up with a way to arbitrarily sort a taxonomy archive page in WordPress. I should probably write up an article on how I did it…
We’re off to see the wizard… instagram.com/p/xjuxh0mbPb/
What if you want to fly your drone indoors? “Maker of drone will prevent their drones from flying in DC ”
Poked around with WordPress’ Metadata API so now I can extend practically anything codex.wordpress.org/Metadata_API
Late night feeding #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/yWMHE9De2c/
Me: Let’s go to bed
Her: But we need to pick out Zadie’s outfit for tomorrow!
Le sigh…
All trash cans should have smiley faces so I can feel better about throwing away garbage. @ Pew… instagram.com/p/yU-12Vje6_/
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s back to work I go… to and fro through the snow… someone’s gotta make some dough…
So what’s the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?
4weeks old and full of baby formula for a healthy weight #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/yS96KgDe0_/
Zadie is 10% heavier today than 4 days ago. Now weighing in at 7 pounds 6 ounces.
Saturday night family portrait. #zadiealyssa
Helped a friend clean out his house last weekend and there was a bunch of ancient computer… instagram.com/p/yLtbFhDe20/
Sup? #zadiealyssa
“Hardware isn’t the thing that doesn’t scale anymore,” said Knauss. “It’s attention.”
818 top level domains and the cheapest place to get them tld-list.com
Managed to sleep in a little bit today #zadiealyssa instagram.com/p/yC6-syDe7J/
FuzzBeed: Randomly generated BuzzFeed fuzzzbeed.herokuapp.com
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.