Hands down this is the best election map out there tonight. electionmap.wamu.org/
Hands down this is the best election map out there tonight. electionmap.wamu.org/
Shout out to my Dad who is an election judge and has been up all day helping people vote.
I voted before it was cool. #earlyVoting
Also, here is the raw data of my trick or treaters since 2012 drive.google.com/open?id=0B6H3Ey…
79 trick or treaters this year. Almost twice as much as 2013 and 2012. Only had 2 pieces of candy left!
Fetus’ first Halloween! #30weeks #trickortreat instagram.com/p/u1gguSje14/
Unborn child’s future college expenses #ScaryStoriesIn5
Also… Photoshop is hard.
The making of Barth. #narrativeclip @ Georgetown University instagram.com/p/uwredcjewn/
Today is Pew Research Center’s annual pumpkin contest. The core/digital group went with an ice bucket… instagram.com/p/us8-yUje7x/
Barth. #typography @ Georgetown University instagram.com/p/usiv70Dexi/
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949) ishare.rediff.com/video/entertai…
Hey WordPress Devs: Would a talk about sysadmin stuff for humans be an interesting talk idea? Trying to come up with something for loopconf
Desperate times in the Heimlich household without cable or Internet; we’ve reverted to physical media for entertainment.
FiOS stopped working yesterday. Replace battery light was on. Battery was from 2007 so I decided to replace it. Went to Home Depot.
Installed two lighting fixtures, cleaned the gutters, and swept the front walk. Tomorrow I might tackle some leaf raking.
Turned Google Inbox into an app with a swanky little icon. Didn’t know what email to show in the screenshot…
Awwwww yeeeeaahhh!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.