Little boy near newspaper boxes. @ Glenmont instagram.com/p/sCvN14je6I/
Little boy near newspaper boxes. @ Glenmont instagram.com/p/sCvN14je6I/
Postman. #narrativeclip #portrait @ US Post Office instagram.com/p/sCs1IEje2Q/
Oh yea and here are slides to go with that WordPress TV video kingkool68.com/pew-research-cent…
This morning’s commute was like a middle school dance party.
Sweet, sweet Maryland. I am in you.
Now to make the trek from Rosslyn, VA all the way to the edge of the Earth in Glenmont, MD.
tributary.io/ is a neat tool for rapid prototyping of data visualization stuff. #refreshdc
D3 multi-line voronoi for making tiny line hit targets work well. bl.ocks.org/mbostock/8033015 #refreshdc
How to Write D3:
1) Scour bl.ocks.org/mbostock
2) Find something close to what you want
3) Spend hrs tweaking it for your data
Underscore function equivalents in D3 gist.github.com/mbostock/3934356 #refreshdc
Everything you ever wanted to know about selectors in D3 github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Sele… #refreshdc
D3 is great for data visualizations that you can’t do in HighCharts. #refreshdc
Venturing into Virginia for #refreshdc
Dew drops instagram.com/p/r67oKcje-G/
Time Machine has worked flawlessly transferring everything from my old iMac to my new iMac. Except for local MySQL databases.
Current Status: FRIDAY!
Hey WordPress people, what should I talk about? 2014.baltimore.wordcamp.org/appl…
Happy national left handers day lefthandersday.com
Did it rain a lot today? I really didn’t notice. Sure is humid though.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.