Warning: Do not use your browser’s back button from this page. #UX

Warning: Do not use your browser’s back button from this page. #UX
Homestar Runner is coming back vulture.com/2014/07/homestar-run…
My pregnant wife is IMing me about sandpaper. This was not covered in “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”
Touchdown. Germany.
Wu-Tang is for the Children i.imgur.com/7HZCjfD.jpg
Just posted a photo instagram.com/p/qKk5d1De6s/
Triangular rooftops. instagram.com/p/qHQ_qCDe6m/
4 years ago my Rav-4 crossed 4444 miles on the 4th. timehop.com/c/fup:683423886498:6…
4th of July breakfast: French toast… errrr Freedom Toast!
Ok Internet, we need a Scorpions-Rock You Like A Hurricane + Team America – America F**k Yeah! remix. Get on that.
OK. Night night. Follow me on Snapchat: kingkool68 #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
Press and hold to video chat is pretty neat though. #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
Soooo the morale of the story is only sign up for Snapchat if you have a teenager around to show you how to use it. #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
Everything disappears. Swipe. Tap. Swipe. Including chats. #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
Holy crap. Snapchat had a scoring system? How does that work? #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
I’ve explored every corner of Snapchat. Why is this company worth billions of dollars? #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
Took a selfie. Swipe swipe swipe. And now it looks like crap. What do I need filters for?
Added some of my friends so I can be hip with them #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
So much swiping #IJustDiscoveredSnapchat
Live tweeting using Snapchat for the first time
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.