Google Now is so smart. It knows I like to watch the Price is Right on snow days. Too bad local news coverage prevents that.
Google Now is so smart. It knows I like to watch the Price is Right on snow days. Too bad local news coverage prevents that.
I wish an Oscar winner would pull out some tiny Oscar clothes and dress up their statue on stage. All Cutsey wootsy. #Oscars
Spike Jonze also has sweet dance moves youtube.com/watch?v=LiXg_70rMeM #Oscars
Fun Fact: Spike Jonze’s real name is Adam Spiegel and was born in Rockville, MD. #Oscars
And the award for the most stable social network site during the #Oscars goes too… GOOGLE+!!! Because no one cares.
Well on the plus side Bette Midler is still alive. #Oscars
If I wanted a Pepsi, why would I want less of a Pepsi?
I mean to consider how well a movie is edited you need to have an idea about the raw material you have to work with… #Oscars
How in the world do you even being to think about who should win for best editing? #Oscars
And the winner for best social network mentioned during the Oscars is… #Oscars
Best Female Supporting Role… cue all of the social media teams for bra companies. #Oscars
Shouldn’t be hard to design the sound for outer space… where there is none.
If I ever won an Oscar I would want it to be for sound design or editing. #Oscars
Acting and reading are two entirely different skills. #Oscars
And the winner for best social network mentioned during the Oscars is…
This looks like an Old Navy commercial. #Oscars
Am I really going to watch the Oscars because I have nothing to do? What else is on?
Hello there weird font change on Google search results…
Infinite scroll done the right way pewresearch.org/category/publica… Inspired by tumbledry.org/2011/05/12/screw_h…
To all the people dying for an atom.io invite, give this a whirl dropbox.com/s/2w0tsgqybl9myan/at…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.