The Internet is 25 years old pewinternet.org/2014/02/27/the-w… and I amm older than the Internet
The Internet is 25 years old pewinternet.org/2014/02/27/the-w… and I amm older than the Internet
The last link I tweeted actually has a really good explanation for why WhatsApp is worth $19 Billion highscalability.com/blog/2014/2/…
“It’s not the code stupid, it’s getting all those users to love and use your product that is the hard part.” – highscalability.com/blog/2014/2/…
It’s like Sublime Text but made by Github atom.io/
I wrote a shnazzy shell script to backup my web server and database and set it up to run last night and it didn’t 🙁
The link from that last tweet codinghorror.com/blog/2014/02/ap…
“At some point, you get fed up with all the oddities and quirks and say to hell with these apps, can I just use the website instead?”
3.6% of the global GDP is mobile. That’s… a lot of cash. —> live.cnet.com/Event/Mark_Zuckerb…
“Responsiveness is the single most important factor that determines whether a person likes a product” – Josh Carpenter, UX Lead for Firefox
Google has been nagging me to auto-backup my entire photo collection. And this weekend I did and its been a constant stream of auto-aweso…
Breakfast in bed. #SaturdayFTW #banana instagram.com/p/kuN_9QDe8a/
Man walking around corner in Dupont Circle. @ Dupont Circle instagram.com/p/kuK2Izje3l/
OH: “show me the data homeslice”
500. The lowest score possible in the original Super Mario Brothers game for NES digg.com/video/the-lowest-possib…
Microsoft Office apps are available online. Still uses a 3.5″ diskette as the Save icon.
Another place to store all your crap on some cloud somewhere. But hey it’s 100GB so why not? onedrive.live.com?invref=eb19895…
Built a scraper for gathering Sochi Olympic Athlete data. Have at it. github.com/kingkool68/Scraping-S…
The heaviest athletes competing in Sochi are 255 pounds sochi2014.com/en/athlete-kevin-k… and sochi2014.com/en/athlete-zdeno-c…
Genius happens when a seasoned mind sees a problem with fresh eyes.
The miniaturization of tech: “an intelligent mist of technology that surrounds us”
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.