Looks like a stormy weekend ahead. Perfect weather for moving. ughhh….
Looks like a stormy weekend ahead. Perfect weather for moving. ughhh….
posted a photo pi.pe/-qjwne0
Bedroom Planning pi.pe/-wrxofx
In San Juan, Puerto Rico, after an amazing honeymoon in St. Lucia. Need to catch one more flight tomorrow morning and we’ll be back home.
Opening wedding presents at my parents. We still have to pack for our honeymoon.
What I should be doing: packing for the honeymoon. What I am doing: Stroking my ego on Facebook.
Pheasant! Family BBQ done. That went by so fast. Tomorrow will be crazy.
If rain on your wedding day is supposed to be good luck, a Gary Coleman passing on your big day must be the jackpot!
New post! Wedding Family Barbeque bit.ly/aBqw6U
14 hours to go. Kristina is at a hotel with her bridesmaids and I’m here at my apartment with my best man. #rkwedding
Star shaped sugar cookies with sprinkles: breakfast of groomsmen.
4 player Mario Kary. One last moment of bachelorhood.
Rings cleaned. I forgot that its graduation day in Columbia. traffic tick!
The Family Barbeque is a perfect place to test out live streaming for the wedding.
Roasted Pig BBQ pi.pe/-qt4307
Wicked long thunder rumbles. Still up taking care of wedding stuff and reading tweets.
Considering downgrading my phone to 2.1 so Qik live streaming will be stable. Should I do it?
Women love purses way more than men.
Rehearseing for the wedding on Saturday.
Busy Wedding Bees pi.pe/-4y1jnc
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.