Turning off autocomplete on the Android keyboard makes it sooo much more responsive. I can actually type fast again.
Turning off autocomplete on the Android keyboard makes it sooo much more responsive. I can actually type fast again.
The amount of digital information increases tenfold every five years. ping.fm/xJlPe
I wish a barcamp was coming up. I have some ideas in my head for presentations.
DreamHost… unbridled enthusiasm.
Downloading a 6.8GB file over FTP for work.
Tonight was taco night for dinner. Mucho delicioso!
Now that the Olympics are over Canada can get back to doing what it does best: exporting maple syrup and half-baked pop stars.
New Blog Post: Put Your Print Stylesheet At The Bottom bit.ly/aG9yqM
DreamHost is giving away ipads, not maxipads. Could the next Apple tablet be called the macsipad?
Just got out of a lunchtime ergonomics workshop. Arms should be level with the top of your desk.
Drats! Was hoping to make more progress on dummyimage.com this weekend. Better documentation is coming.
DreamHost would have beaten the Canadian hockey team at the Olympics.
CSS Monsters… yea, that is just crazy. ping.fm/0M4HY
I hold the #1 spot if you Google Image search “made” ping.fm/pyQCu
Also number one image search for “ripped asian” ping.fm/xJmqB
dreamhost from coast to coast
I’m at CVS (Georgia Ave, Glenmont Shopping Center, Silver Spring). 4sq.com/bNg1P2
It’s warmish out. Feels nice.
Wow! That’s a great price! (@ Staples) 4sq.com/d3OcUW
I’m at Giant Food – AH (13781 Connecticut Ave, Aspen Hill Rd/Georgia Ave, Aspen Hill). 4sq.com/5NQPn0
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.