Phew, that was close. For a minute I thought USA might care about hockey. Glad we dodged that one guys.
Phew, that was close. For a minute I thought USA might care about hockey. Glad we dodged that one guys.
Ahhh! I’m being domsetically dabused!
This would go great in my office ping.fm/2yTCK
Got to Flag 6 in Plants vs. Zombies Survival mode ping.fm/haqOG
Poor Grooveshark got their iPhone app rejected. Now they can kill it with Android ping.fm/Txx8r
“SeaWorld uses ‘Shamu’ as a stage name for any of the male or female orcas in its shows.” NOOOOOOOOO!
Today’s agenda: taxes & tuxes
Settling in to watch the final curling match of the Olympics.
Way to blow an air horn Norway hater #curling
DreamHost has warm weather, DC does not
Putting new meaning in “foot in mouth” I would love my foot in my mouth if I was wearing these ping.fm/AwLHL
Woops, forgot to eat lunch (@ Quizno’s (17th and L)) 4sq.com/bTL443
Forecast: Cloudy with periods of dandruff.
Had a dream that I went to a BarCamp outside and there were tons of fish that were attracted to me.
I found a nicekl on an empty metro seat. Today is above average.
Lunch with Pammy (@ Cafe Phillips – H Street) 4sq.com/7F0evV
Meeting Kristina’s co-workers (@ McFadden’s) 4sq.com/2TUs1V
Let me know if you can’t see this live stream, especially IE users bit.ly/aKMYRM
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.