New Blog Post: Who Needs An Apple Tablet? bit.ly/5w9OV0
New Blog Post: Who Needs An Apple Tablet? bit.ly/5w9OV0
I’ll have to remember this one ping.fm/BOInQ
Picking up Kristina from the Metro then off to a holiday gathering.
HTC, you can come up with a better tagline than Quietly Brilliant.
Screw you Route 66 traffic! I was making good time from Charlottesville, Va. Kristina napped mostof the way.
So i’m guessing everyone had an awesome Xmas? I know I did.
Off to pick up Kristina and then Off to her grandmother’s in Charllottesville, VA for Xmas.
My mom got a scoop about Pasta Blitz changing and was mentioned on a local food blog ping.fm/THvdF
I have tomorrow, Xmas Eve Day, off. Kristina doesn’t. Neener, neener!
Alright. Time to start xmas shopping.
New Blog Post: The Great Wall Of Weather bit.ly/7B2PdP
Honeymoon, booked! (mostly)
Hmm Nexus One to be invite only? Well poo… ping.fm/TWZm4
Just finished a WordPress script for easily adding custom write panels/metaboxes and showing/hiding per selected category. Fun!
Kittens + Paint = Asking for trouble. ping.fm/T32Yg
Watching Monday Night football while working on the TEDxPotomac site.
Walk to Glenmont metro was fun in my hightop Reeboks. Lots of obstacles to avoid. There are a lot more people on the metro this morning.
Arrived home around 5pm today after stopping at the grocery store. Unburied my car, unburied Kristina’s car. Tired now.
Um.. does anyone else see a message saying “Sorry, we are unable to connect you to Netvibes.” when visiting netvibes.com
Stopped again. Just before mile marker 166.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.