New Blog Post: Neat Receipts Keeps Me On Top Of My Receipts shortna.me/a71bb
New Blog Post: Neat Receipts Keeps Me On Top Of My Receipts shortna.me/a71bb
time to begin devouring Thin Mints
Wait so if I try to click on any link on the WashingPost.com website I have to login? Talk about fail – washingtonpost.com/
Dear Twitter, what do you hate about the navigation bar for www.usnews.com I’m redesigning it.
Here’s what I’ve been working on all day kristinanaude.com The resume carousel is from scratch. Not hard with jQuery.
Wisenheimer’s Fail Up
12:30pm = the ultimate death by committee meeting. The name of the task force is called SNUG. I kid you not.
Hopefully a reboot will make all my problems go away.
Operation Russell Cooks Dinner was a smashing success.
If you were to print out all of my tweets into a book format, it would be 300+ pages!
Had a long nap after getting home from Baltimore.
Client promised check a month ago for some emergency work. Still haven’t gotten it.
Anyone know how to get HTML_toPDF is.gd/jBdI working with MAMP? How about HTML2PS? is.gd/jBdO
I get to cook dinner tonight. I’m making spinach and onion stuffed chicken breast. Wish me luck.
Downloading MAMP to get my development on – mamp.info/en/mamp/index.html
Made a Tweet scraper in 30 lines of PHP code. Takes about 3 minutes to download 3,619 tweets into one 3.4MB XML file. I’m a nerd.
In Baltimore on a date with Kristina for Valentine’s day. Eating at the Rusty Scupper.
New Blog Post: View From The Rusty Scrupper shortna.me/74002
Much better day at work today. Things are getting back in line.
My bank charged me a $14 finance charge! WTF!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.