At Kristina’s parents house helping to get things ready for her grad party tomorrow!
And the rain is back. Hopefully I can get the laptop all juiced up in case the power goes out. Except the internet will be down. Meh.
Pinging from!
New blog post: Honey Suckles And A Beer Can
It is so hot and humid out. I got in to work all wet.
This is an awesome set of machinery photos…
Bit the bullet and signed up for friendfeed even though I have a much more attractive lifestream at
I really like the way styles their tags ->
YouTube is my new MTV. You know when they used to play music videos kind of like a visual radio station.
user-agents is the worst name for something.
A bunch of us just went to the window to view our impending doom.
by impending doom I mean heavy rain with ominous clouds.
What color do you think “melon” is?
New blog post: Sidewalk Closed
I’m here at my 5 year old PC while Kristina is lapping it up in bed with my MacBook Pro. How did this happen?
New blog post: Plurk Brings A Breath Of Fresh Air To Microblogging
Just ordered some shirts and a print from Threadless during their sale. I’m known around the office for my funny shirts.
New blog post: Drunk Driver Plows Into Crowd Of Cyclists
Back to work on cleaning up templates.The recent A List Apart article about creating an interface style guide was inspiring
New blog post: Russell The Poet