The train ride home is slow and choppy. I’m all out of videos to watch on my Zune.
Currently anything I search for on Amazon returns “Item currently not available”
New blog post: Russell The Movie Star
Wae up time already? Today will be a great day of cleaning up Zope templates.
If I were unemployed I would be playing GTA IV and Mario Kart right about now. But i’m not…
PHOTOSTREAM: Minimalist style with focus on shallow depth of field. I like alot ->
Waiting for 3 podcasts to download so I can sync my Zune for tomorrow’s commute. What would I do without my podcasts for my commute?
Rainbow bridge photo ->…
Firefox totally ate it.
Cat jumped up on roommates laptop and wifi didn’t work afterwards. Turns out he hit fn + F2 which turns on/off the wifi card on this dell.
Kristina went to go get things printed at Kinkos and pick up some Chipotle.That means I get a quick stint on her computer until she returns
And all of a sudden it started pouring…
The PowerBook A/C adapter started smoking and Kristina is on her iMac. Guess it’s time to find something to do offline.
Had lunch at Cheesecake factory in Columbia withe my parents and fiance. It was in celebration of my birthday.
New blog post: What I Learned On My 23rd Birthday
Is there anyway to disable chat because it is really killing my Facebook experience? I’m already offline.
The future of the web is right here ->
End Chipotle meal of the day. This time with the fiance.
Someone on my AIM buddylist has an awaymessage of “No PANTIES ON!!!! EVER!!!” hmm….
My roommate bought 50 pounds of protein powder. It’s about the size of a large dog.