At Chipotle. The line is super long.
8pm brings a strong urge to nap but I will prevail.
Not in the mood to blog tonight. Bleh!
Don’t know what I have planned for work yet. I’m sure someone will ask for help on something right when I get there.
The world is my echo chamber!
I really dig this phot mannip ->
New blog post: Optimal Aperture For Foreground Sharpness At Infinity
Yes, Hell’s Kitchen. The only show of incompetent dolts that I look forward to watching!
$1499 Mac Book, $1999 low end Mac Book Pro, or $2499 high end Mac Book Pro?
Is twice the CPU cache and GPU memory worth $500?
The pope is in Georgetown today and the entrpenurial hucksters are selling pope pennets.
Just found out the Beltway Sniper killed a victim at the Shoppers Food Wharehouse that I go to every single week ->
Gnarly shipwreck digital ->…
Ouch! (Read Caption)
Lightbulb as an oil lamp –
Two people asked me about my Zune today. Watch out fruit company.
New blog post: Steve Gibson Explains Internet Congestion
Taking pictures of old ram and other junk to put on eBay.
Watching a little girl play with her Dad’s Blackberry while waiting in line at the post office. Long line here on tax day.
Pandora, why are you playing Kelly Osbourne?