To all the people currently in Austin: How is SXSW?
New blog post: Inspiration: The Perfect Use Of Flash
Installing the IE8 beta to see if it lives up to the hype.
I need to weigh 179 pounds to be on the very edge of a normal BMI. I weight 191 pounds.
Which Apple store do you like better? Original or redux
New blog post: Down By The Potomac
The last thing I need is another web device fighting for my attention so no iphone/itouch for me!
Listening to the falling rain and taking in the smell of freshness. Like a laundry detergent commercial.
What about Mike Gravel?
Lunch time already? Man today is busy. I haven’t had time to even read Techcrunch.
Curse you IE8 requiring a fully patched system. Too much work to fiddle with my work computer, i’ll do it at home.
Txting to recieve nutrition info. What a great idea!
Awesome design piece of the moment ->
I like how ‘making sure website validates before SXSW’ is on the minds of several web geeks.
Good bye Twitter, for now.
Snacking on carrots.
Stealing iPhoto because it should be included by default.
New blog post: Robbing Banks Isn’t Like The Movies…
OMG! Microsoft sees the light of standards compliance with IE8
It’s a pants party and everyone is invited.