Had a romantic date with Kristina at Chipotle. We were there for 3 hours, just talking. Life is good.
Exploring the photos of a local Maryland Photographer -> snurl.com/20pib Rediscovering photography after several absent months
Woo hoo! Just passed the limit for payout from Google Adsense. It only took me 3 years or so…
New blog post: A Masters Of Digital Media Degree? tinyurl.com/2wz7ko
Leap year day. Weird.
Wow getting reports from two different web conferences today. Twitter is amazing.
New blog post: Interactive Drawing Game With Real Physics tinyurl.com/2nh5g8
Twitter keeps toying withm y emotions…
New blog post: Doom Monsters Get Rick Rolled To Death tinyurl.com/2v9xaj
I’ve been eating a lot of candy this week. that can’t be good.
Walter Cronkite puts on a tie to go tie shopping…
So tired I think I’ll head to bed early tonight. Full night of sleep, here I come.
Great Fail Dog today -> faildogs.com/post/27496595
Debating on whether to buy a Tamron 180mm f/2.5 Macro lens for a pretty good price. Thoughts?
Healthy wraps or Pizza? Healthy trumps greasy!
Watching someone watch MacBreak on their ipod while I watch Diggnation on my Zune.
This site really benefits from the use of Flash -> mauricio.art.br/enter.html What an immersive experience!
Really enjoying Twhirl as my Twitter client. Lots of useful features and good performance. So long Tweetr and Snitter.
New blog post: Flower Petals By Trees tinyurl.com/356bkq
New blog post: Inspiration: Scrapzilla By Andy Council tinyurl.com/2kozdq