Did some work on kingkool68.com/ this evening. Added a filter so you can hide/show specific feeds. Need to restyle it tomorrow.
New blog post: Behind The Scenes Of Revision3’s Website tinyurl.com/2gw7wq
Coding some stuff for kingkool68.com, my one stop feed aggregator.
Admiring the word knickers! hee hee!
Doing errands with the lady. Then I’m going to spend the night working on kingkool68.com
Waiting at WTOP headquarters for a meeting . Pretty nice lobby.
Test sending a tweet from my cell phone.
AOL, why can’t I do anything with my AIM screen name? Stop holding it hostage!!!!
Pretty data center cabling – royal.pingdom.com/?p=240
Man, hada long meeting and missed out on lunch!
Die hiccups, die!
Anyone here know someone at AOL/AIM? My screen name kingkool68 is jacked…
New blog post: Creepy Green Cherub tinyurl.com/29nyuz
Oh the irony -> twitter.com/pownce
New blog post: Recreating D-Day Scene With 4 People And A Camera tinyurl.com/2aa24n
Up and out of bed at 7:30am. Time to shake the sugar plumbs (or whatever kids dreamed about in the 1950’s) out of my head.
Watching American Idol for the failures, which are few and far between in this episode.
Hmm should I go to WidgetDevCamp this saturday? widgetdevcamp-dc.org/
New blog post: Hit Me On My iPhone tinyurl.com/235dws
Saw Antonella Barba on the red line this morning. She looked frantic – tinyurl.com/3xc8s5