Fortune cookie says: “You like participating in competitive sports.” Wrong!
Heading to Whitetail for a day of snowboarding.
New blog post: A Chumby For Me
Feeling sleepy, but must stay up to watch a few more episodes of weeds on DVD.
Getting ready to head down to Charlottesville, VA for Xmas. Girlfriend will watch DVDs on the Powerbook and I will listen to podcasts.
Watching TV series on DVD while girlfriend wraps some last minute Xmas gifts and roommate does fantasy football stuff. I heart Saturdays!
Taking care of business before leaving for Christmas festivities.
Sittting behind a bus staring at a “Bus makes wide turns” warning. The graphic shows a bus turning into a car. So y is the sign on the back?
The family Christmas letter mentions Twitter. My parents are so hip.
New blog post: Dragons And Skulls At The Mall
This weekend I plan to start… AND Finish a book!
New blog post: 50 New Years Resolutions
Tweet-r is messing up avatars. I was just talking to someone on Twitter and from the avatars it looks like I am talking to my self.
Did a white elephant gift exchange at a xmas party. I got a floppy drive the size of my powerbook.
New blog post: Trajan Is The Default Movie Font
New blog post: Patriotic X-mas Lights
New blog post: Add Hex Colors To Mac Color Picker
I need to learn the art of going to bed early.
Does lock up anyone elses version of Firefox?
New blog post: Hi, I’m The Ugliest Boots From The Future!