adding some plugins to wordpress, more tweets after i get them up and running
Lunch time already? Hooray for Friday.
Back to work, saving the world. Once CSS file at a time!
Grabbing lunch at SubWay because I think it is yum!
Thick sweater no match for determined nipples…
New blog post: Something Important Going On
I could really go for a game of pogs right about now.
New blog post: Halloween Is For The Dogs
Advised to leave early to head off Halloween traffic. Sure I’ll heed that advice!
New blog post: More Internet Options For Apartment Dwellers
New blog post: YOUZ CAN HAS JOB?
New blog post: Russell The Cook?
New blog post: Creepy Pumpkin Cake
Stuffed after company potluck. There was a disproportionate amount of desserts to entres.
I’ve got a 20% off coupon to Footlocker if anyone wants it.
You should be worrin’ about ladies swarmin’ not global warmin’.
Seriously Your birthday selector starts at 1897?
FYI, HolaNeighbor registration email went straight to Gmail’s spam filter.
Quick thoughts while I wait for a meeting: Hulu looks to be a good service, FCC plans to breakup apartment complex monopolies, and it’s cool
Heading home so I can cook up a dish for the company potluck tomorrow.