Woo hoo! All necessary Xbox 360 parts arrived. I’ll give the thing a whirl a bit later.
I’m on Xbox live now gamertag = kingkool68
Kristina has weakness for anything wrapped in shiny paper. Costco was made for women. Russell = bored.
At a college volleyball game. The female Maryland volleyball players are freakishly tall.
Time to write some blogsfor the queue
New blog post: Hide The Pink Shirt Guy tinyurl.com/ytdgz4
At the post office sending out a book to a happy Amazon customer.
The xbox 360 project is almost complete. Just need cable to go from wall to power brick. Agh!
Costco gas is $2.51. Everywhere else is way more expensive. Costco ftw.
New blog post: Humdinger On A Hill tinyurl.com/yrv3lu
Crap I forgot to eat lunch again. Hmm when will a window open up.
Apparently there was a copy of Bioshock for the Xbox 360 on the free shelf at work! How did I miss it? WTF?!?!
New blog post: Football Photography Tips tinyurl.com/2hr47o
The weather is glorious and seasonal again. No more sweating in a sweltering apartment.
Taking more Filipino sports photos tonight unless it rains (chocolate rain!) Sorry couldn’t help it.
It’s 2:15 and I’m feeling mean!
going home!
Xbox 360 AV Cables were missing two prongs but seller will send out more tomorrow. I’m still going to bid on a new auction for parts.
I am officially addicted to eBay
It’s so hot and sticky in my apartment I need to wash my face multiple times after getting home from work and going to bed.