Yay! A story I submitted to Digg made the front page -> tinyurl.com/2gqwke
I guess the power of Digg really does work. Or probably lots of people read Web Designer Wall and went to submit the same link
Wiki’s are awesome for organizing projects.
Great Dilbert comic. I shall remember this anti-meeting spell dilbert.com/
New blog post: Stylish Lamps Made Out Of Old Bulbs tinyurl.com/28lt2g
dfontifier is sweet! -> homepage.mac.com/mdouma46/dfont/…
Hah ha -> monegi.com/
New blog post: Vehicle Emissions Inspection tinyurl.com/2xn5yf
New blog post: Being In The Middle Of The Pack Is The Worst tinyurl.com/ysaono
so sleepy. Must keep working…
New blog post: Those Internet People tinyurl.com/2eavj2
Would love some new Canon EF lenses… any donators?
Catching up on some articles I’ve been meaning to read and then off to write a blog post.
Sweet! Facebook is another avenue to upload mobile pics.
Hands on with the RED Camera -> fxguide.com/article445.html
Cliches get to be cliches by being true – James Dale.
My day without twitter has been dull…
Modified dummyimage.com so you can add extensions and it will still work http://dummyimage.com/340×480.gif
Ha! Paying for ringtones is just about as stupid as paying for music
Oh no! Apple is actually going with the fatty nano!