Ha! Paying for ringtones is just about as stupid as paying for music
Oh no! Apple is actually going with the fatty nano!
so why would I need an iPhone again?
watching TV with the roomies.
eBay is tempting me with their offerings.
Saw an older lady on the Metro using a bitchin black and red T-Mobile Sidekick.
Work is going to rock this week: 1/2 price burgers today, Ice cream party tomorrow, 4 day week!
Does anyone know why I keep seeing names like x***x placing bids and such?
Here is a good example of what I am talking about -> tinyurl.com/24jgs9 seems to only effect items $200+
Going home now!
New blog post: Largest Chipotle Burrito Ever tinyurl.com/2gg3kl
At a house party in Falls Church. They have a huge flat screen here and man I can really see the compression artifacts on TBS.
Just finished playing a barage of Wii sports games.
Mobile Netvibes freaking rocks. All my feeds now on my phone. Nice!
New blog post: Should I Get An Xbox 360? tinyurl.com/2x7q29
New blog post: Barrier To Entry for Video Production tinyurl.com/2gxueg
New blog post: Quad Core Computer Under $1500 tinyurl.com/23chok
Time to play some Desktop Tower Defense because I don’t have an Xbox 360
It’s Friday night and I’m at Kristina’s apartment with Dawson’s Creek on in the background.
Woo hoo! Maryland is the wealthiest state -> tinyurl.com/2yayr5(and-Poorest)-….?mod=oneclick