So much Loveline! twitter.com/textfiles/status/119…
So much Loveline! twitter.com/textfiles/status/119…
I updated to WordPress 5.3 and appreciate the refined admin styles. Good stuff y’all!
Apple really wants me to update to Xcode 11.2 but it never seems to work after trying to install it multiple times. What gives?
I thought having kids would inspire a lot of entrepreneurial ideas. So far the best one I’ve come up with is finding that mythical OFF button
Someone made a Basecamp + Snapchat mashup!
twitter.com/kingkool68/status/36… twitter.com/jsngr/status/1193683…
Parenting advice: Let children pick between two choices to help them feel more independent and cooperative
Me: Ok kids, Choice A or Choice B?
Kids: Choice Q!!! And Choice W!!! And phalujawombochetingso
Me: 🤷♂️ well now what?
Paged.js is an open-source library to paginate content in the browser.
I’ve been doing this since 2006 twitter.com/PavelASamsonov/statu…
“Take a picture of me and cow”
#VeraAddison #aMooooovingPhoto instagram.com/p/B4aql-nnTpl/
4 going on 15 with her bag and cup in hand.
#ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/B4Yxl6WnLtM/
Farm girl for the day.
#VeraAddison #gaverfarm instagram.com/p/B4Ywx6ZHbQ8/
A glass of water.
I liked how the light looked streaming through the window this morning. instagram.com/p/B4LVqwmB2RU/
Hey freelance designers, reach out to Brandon… twitter.com/brandonsavage/status…
Responsive data tables are hard…
Parenting pro tip: Bath crayons are a huge scam. Don’t fall for it!
** Continues scraping waxy goop off the bath tiles for the rest of the year **
Facebook’s new brand is nice and all but AOL/Aol. did it first logodesignlove.com/aol-logo
Or ::1 in IPv6 twitter.com/ChrisWiegman/status/…
I have noticed anecdotally at DC area WordPress meetups ages skewing older. I wish I was seeing younger members attending.
Following #wcus on/off this weekend from afar the most important topic I saw wasn’t about Gutenberg or PHP versions, or JavaScript frameworks. It was about getting younger generations involved in WordPress.
Looks like a Tide Pod twitter.com/verge/status/1190710…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.