@TmoNews pingdroid using ping.fm
@TmoNews pingdroid using ping.fm
@brownpau Check out Sweetcron net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/site-…
@kristenlubbe Look, you’re not the only one that picks up tray kittens on the side of the road olivepixel.com/misc/kitten/
@Cohenspire Good luck. Let me know if you run into any problems. I love WordPress.
@msinkiat BUY!
@kristenlubbe Stop by the Fuddruckers in Silver Spring ~ 6:30pm for birthday burgs.
@chriscoyier lastTweet.replace(/might/i, ‘will’);
@chriscoyier stringvar.replace(/(.+)/i, ”);
@brownpau Buy a Nexus One #androidfail
@brownpau bit.ly/bmzZ8u doesn’t center correctly on jumbo screens. Seems to be #content{ overflow:auto; } causing the issue.
@alexalbrecht Techcrunch, techmeme, engadget, hackernews
@whafro And people think Metro is bad!
@Whitmoyer Congrats. I really like the site and I’m looking forward to the event as well.
@eighty5original Hurry! You better put up your Xmas lights soon before you’re the last on the block.
@Jennison Thanks! I hope it’s accessible enough.
@thorpus Digg has become irrelevant to me. Hopefully they’ll get back on track
@chrisfullman Thank you very much kind sir.
@chrisfullman Glad to hear it. Thanks for thinking of my server, but I think it can handle it.
@technotheory That’s an awesome museum. Is the big Babbage Machine still there in the front lobby?
@dannysmith Added it to dummyimage.com tr.im/VDxC
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.