@McC1971 Full source code available at dummyimage.com
@McC1971 Full source code available at dummyimage.com
@brownpau Hooray for unexpected typing exercises!
@BlankSky Joel McHale is awesome
@iboughtamac Thanks, feel free to ask me questions any time bit.ly/cuPCq2!
@NexusOneBlog Weren’t you supposed to give away a Nexus One at some point?
@randallb How is that a Firefox only thing?
@axbom Here’s another bit.ly/csjvls!
@randallb Huh weird. Nice appearence on TWiT at SXSW.
@superpixels Chicago has a good tredmill if you ever get stuck there. Atleast Diddy seems to think so.
@brownpau I turned auto correct off and the keyboard is much snappier
@iboughtamac Nice domain name re: placehold.it You should upgrade your script to the latest version of dummyimage.com
@iboughtamac Just download the source and pop it up on your server -> bit.ly/cI2Mc4
@iboughtamac Shouldn’t be much of a problem seeing as you’re running the original version just fine
@ipad Thank you, Thank you! No hard feelings as placehold.it is using a copy of my code.
@iboughtamac No worries. I put it out there for anyone and everyone to do whatever they wanted. Cheers!
@iPad Oh nice. There is a newer version of dummyimage.com available with a couple more features if you ever want to update your personal one
@renano mmmm no, people won’t pay for news bit.ly/bsjm6B
@renano And I pay for WWE by paying my cable bill?
@Sznq Same folks that built Dodgeball, built foursquare
@jessabean eff flying.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.